Vedant Tarale
Backend and Systems Developer, Solmelu
Bangalore, India
Hello. I am Vedant Tarale, a fourth-year student at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, pursuing a major in Electronics and Communication Engineering and a minor in Computer Science Engineering.
I am enthusiastic about IOT and Web Development. I have worked on various projects and participated in a few hackathons in this domain. Keen on exploring deployment strategies and optimization techniques. This has led me to venture into AWS and distributed systems.
I am the Tech Lead at IRIS NITK, the official and student-led ERP of the National Institue of Technology Karnataka, a backend and systems developer for the Solmelu Project and also a member of UniDAO NITK.
I am keenly exploring the impactful application of IOT and the integration of IOT and Blockchain and had the opportunity to demonstrate this in EthIndia 2023
I am experienced with full-stack frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Django, and wireless protocols such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and Websockets.
Always trying out something new!! 😁