
Bharathi R

Hi! I'm Bharathi, now a third-year student majoring in computer science. My fascination with tech began with playing video games at when I was 4, and it slowly transitioned into making drawings with QBASIC in 7th grade. Fast forward to where I am now, I have made a slightly graphical version of the classical battleship game, numerous small logic implementations and a few projects. A few friends and I participated in RevaHack. We got the first place for building Dirty Money Detector, a cross-product between ML and Blockchain to identify money laundering activities based on an input wallet address. That was my first-ever 36-hour hackathon, and it felt so wonderful! After that, I had the opportunity to lead a team for the Dark Patterns Busters Hackathon, and we made it to the finals held at IIT-BHU. More than producing error-free code, I find the team-building sessions and building a minimum viable product inspiring and fascinating. And to get to do that with friends and like-minded individuals is amazing!

I actively work as an ML developer, but I also work in web development and with database integrations.

When I don't code or study, I write. And maybe play the keyboard. And watch a lot of movies.


DMD : Dirty Money Detector

Decode the Deception : Your crypto guardian angel👼Flask, TensorFlow, Python, Seaborn, Streamlit, Replit


Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing