Hey There

I'm an out-of-the-box frontend developer and creative writer. I like building things for fun and write about things that intrigue me on my blog, Wirescript.

I'm a project based learner and every project I build has a motive or problem to solve. And oftentimes I learn the concepts while solving the problem itself, this helps me stay excited while working on stuff and get the best solutions with a clean mind.


Being goal oriented and focusing on my productivity, I work with the best in class frontend tech to get and give help to the community, as fast as possible.

These are the technologies I'm in love with and being constantly better at it each passing day.

I'm also interested in backend and do quite a bit of Mongo as a database as well as Node and Express as server. But I'm not good at it yet so I'm striving to build more stuff with it and get mentorships.

Behind the scenes of my blog

As I'm always excited about new things happening in web industry, I had my eyes on Gatsby for a while. And recently due to my passion for blogging, I wanted an open space to speak my heart out. So I planned to make a brand new blog with Gatsby, called Wirescript

I learnt a lot of things necessary to make my blog, out of them some are:

When not doing any of the above?

I'm an absolute pet lover and would love to travel the world to make new friends. When not coding, I'd be found watching great panda videos on internet or hooked into one of my favorite novels. (My current one is, Elon's Biography by Ashlee Vance).

Let's speak together sometime or up for a hackathon

All my projects are on GitHub and I interact with the amazing developer universe on Twitter mostly.