
Aniket Raj

Over the past year, I have acquired relevant development skills and experience.

I have built several fullstack web application and can write restful APIs with Nodejs, Express.js and Mongodb with ease. I can also integrate these APIs with different frontend technologies like React.js and flutter in case of mobile development.

I have built several Flutter application and can connect them to Restful APIs built with Nodejs, Express.js and Mongodb. I can also build Flutter applications with Firebase and sometimes use both Node API and Firebase services for the features that I need in the application. With the help of Firebase authentication and Json web tokens and middleware in Nodejs, I have also setup authentication in my apps with every user feature authenticated from Flutter to Server endpoints.

I am a very persistent learner. The number of times that I've been stuck with bugs has taught me to never give up as there is always something out there on the web which will help me.

In addition to the above I am a huge GNU/Linux Enthusiast and am very comfortable working with a command line interface and have already deployed a MERN stack application to a DigitalOcean Linux server.

Even though I am a fresher, I assure you that I will give my best and work to my full potential.



Make your day with few clicksFigma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Framer

