Tezan Sahu
Blockchain Engineering Intern, WandX
Navi Mumbai, India
I am a senior undergraduate from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I am passionate about learning and building new things every day & am deeply Interested in the domains of Blockchain, Deep Learning, & DevOps.
I love to organize & participate in hackathons and #BUIDL stuff that would benefit the developer community & users.
I have enjoyed building at some prominent hackathons, which include Hack InOut 6.0, ETHIndia 1.0 (Winners of the Lendroid API Prize), ETHIndia 2.0 (Among Top 6 projects; Winners of API Prizes of Lendroid, Matic & AZTEC Protocol), Microsoft CodeFunDo++ (Winners) & Gitcoin's Beyond Blockchain Hackathon (1st & 2nd positions in 2 tracks of Aleth.io respectively).
The projects include Privacy-Preserving Lending on Public Blockchain (using Lendroid & Compound Protocol), an end-to-end Decentralized Voting solution & a Decentralized Land Registration DApp.
Some of my other Projects include Waffle-CLI (a CLI block explorer tool curated for smart contract developers), implementation of Berkeley Clock Synchronization algorithm, a Mobile App for generating & transferring texture using Image Quilting techniques, an Automatic Google Form Filler (uses data in a CSV file to automatically fill Google Forms), Book Recommender System (based on collaborative filtering), etc. All these can be found on my GitHub handle (tezansahu).