
Tarun Gupta

Hi, this is Tarun. I like developing projects in my free time which can be useful to users and help in our daily life. Currently I am learning frontend and Blockchain.


Sycic hack

A chatbot where user can chat with the bot and bot will reply accordingly.We maintained a database which is basically the list of commands to which bot is familiar.Larger the database,more the better.Tkinter, Python

Evidence Management System - EMS

Our project is based on the problem that Court system of India faces. In our project, all the cases and its evidences are stored on Blockchain so that no one can modify it once its deployed.Solidity, IPFS, React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3


Premium content access for users!Solidity, React, JavaScript, IPFS / Filecoin


BuffetOnTime is a dapp which lets you pay for the time you eat. Money streaming is done from sender(customer) to receiver(Restaurant Owner) and the amount is automatically transferred per second.Solidity, React, CSS, JavaScript, Superfluid, IPFS / Filecoin

zDay Futures

Zero day futures onboards next billion web2 users into web3 trading. Open your future on prices of crypto, and automatically close the position after 24 hours.Solidity, GraphQL, Chainlink, The Graph, Tailwind CSS, reactjs, 1inch, EF: Account Abstraction


Cultivating Opportunities, Connecting Communities.Solidity, IPFS, Chart.js, The Graph, React.js, Anon Aadhar, Avail, Arweave AO Cookbook

