
Sweta Dash

I am a full stack web developer . I also know Qt which is used to make GUIs. I have a electrical engineering background so I am interested in the core subject as well.



A web app which provides a summary and also generates questions from the huge text given in the form of images, URL links of pages or directly copy-pasting the text to be summarized.Flask, OpenCV, Python, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), HTML/CSS, Pytesseract(for text extraction), BeautifulSoup4 as a text parser, NLTK for text summarization, Transformer Networks for Q/A Generation


A web app which provides a summary and also generates questions from the huge text given in the form of images, URL links of pages or directly copy-pasting the text to be summarized.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, PyTorch, OpenCV, Beautiful Soup, Python, Tesseract OCR, NLP


A web app which provides a summary and also generates questions from the huge text given in the form of images, URL links of pages or directly copy-pasting the text to be summarized.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, PyTorch, OpenCV, Beautiful Soup, Python, Tesseract OCR, NLP


A smart IoT device for health monitoring and social distancingTwilio, ThingSpeak, ESP8266 Wifi MCU


Qt Creator
Arduino Programming
Web development