
Swarnavo Pramanik

I am Swarnavo, a 20-year-old Electronics and communication Engineer by degree but a Software Engineer my passion . I enjoy working and learn new skills .

Familiar with Front-end Web Development ; React Developer ; MERN Stack Developer ; JAVA .

I will be selecte as a Project ✅ administrator in Social Winter of Code
And also selected GSSOC and SSOC Seasons 2 as a Contributor ✅✅


Coders Meeting Rooms

Coders House is an application which supports WebRTC Real-time voice chat communication and having features like email and phone no login, OTP ,chat room discussion of different topics, etc.Node.js, REST API, Socket.IO, WebRTC, Express.js, MongoDB, MERN stack, React Router, React.js


telemedicine made easyReact, CSS, Python, HTML5​, flow, Cadance

Admin Panel Dashboard

In today’s world, every online program interface contains a page where information and data about customers, clients, and consumers is shown or monitored. An Admin Dashboard is a visual represented .JavaScript, Rapid API, React Router, React.js, react-scripts, eslintrc.js

Project ThreeJs AI

Many large corporations already use 3D graphics to showcase their products. ThreeJS 3D product website and infuse it with the power of artificial intelligence .OpenAi, mongoose, React.js, TailWindCSS, ThreeJS, nodemon, Vite, Valtio, DALLE AI, plugin-react

Stress Detection with Machine Learning

The main goal of the system is to analyze the mental stress through physiological data using electrocardiograph in different positions and moods.Keras, Python, Kaggle, Jupyter Notebook, dataset

Fitness Application

About Build a Complete Typescript React Fitness ApplicationJavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3​, HTML5​

Task Management Application

Task management apps are widely used, but different users use the apps differently depending on their particular needs.Visual Studio Code, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

