
Suyash Trivedi

Competitive Coder and Deep Learning enthusiast.

I have also worked with various web-development tools like HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, and a bit of Flask, and I use MySQL for Database Management.

I have done some minor projects on some Machine Learning algorithms like detection of Malaria in cells, and a main project in which I built a bot using Convolutional Neural Networks that could solve the famous Minesweeper game using Python's Keras and Pyautogui libraries.

The real world applications of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning are the ones that fascinate and drive me. By the means of various Hackathons, I intend to explore the same.



Providing to you, the safest route for your preferred destination!HTML, Node.js, CSS, Heroku, MySQL, Google Maps API, AWS RDS, Express.js


This project helps students and teachers to convert video lecture recordings into meaningfull textual reports saving time.Flask, Google Colab, Python, Speech Recognition, HTML/CSS, NLP


Machine Learning
Database Management System
Artificial Neural Network
Competitive Coding (C++)


  • JPMorgan Chase & Co. - SWE Intern
    June 2020 - July 2020