
Suyash Jain

I'm an ambitious android developer seeking a position where I can maximize my software development skills. I'm passionate about learning new algorithms and solving maths behind it. I'm currently reading "Artificial intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Peter Norvig and Andrew Russell. This book explains the various problem spaces and different approaches and algorithms to solve them. Along with I'm working on an android library for plotting and editing graphs.
Now I further aim to improve my development skills and contributions to the open-source community.



Our team focuses on providing better road experience specially for old people and patiens. Its based on our algorithims built for data calculation on android phones.

Duck Hunt AR

This project aims at bringing the nostalgia for the old retro games. Hence, we attempt to recreate the old duck hunt game in Augmented reality.Blender, AR Kit


Groove and play the instrument you always wanted to play! * *No learning requiredAndroid, Java, GitHub




  • Mobile Development Group IIT Roorkee - Android Developer
    January 2018 - Present

    Involved in developing various Android applications and an Android library for the campus students as well as open to the internet. Mentored a group of students throughout the winters for learning the basics of Android development and their WOC project.

  • NaviSmart - Android App Developer
    December 2018 - March 2019

    Worked on an Android app, that enables users to book marinas for their luxury boats. Built the app using a single activity and the latest architecture components in Android Jetpack with Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore for storage and backend.