
Surith L.G

Hello ! My name is L.G.Surith and currently in my fourth semester pursuing an undergrad degree in comp sci , and eager to learn more about the Web 3.0 space which had me hooked on since the year 2019 when i saw a post on my twitter timeline where Ethereum had gain some traction. I wanted to invest in ETH and many more cryptocurrencies but while researching that is when i came to know that a tech side exists and we can eventually build on them . But the more congestion the Ethereum Network Faces ,the more it affects the gas fees so i would really love to work on developing a L2 blockchain and also developing an interchain based blockchain which will be helpful in the case of Dapps.
I am very much interested in developing and contributing to this space if given a chance will definitely not disappoint anyone and will work on improving myself.
I am already an active member of my university DAO and have also conducted various workshops to spread the word about the WEB 3.0 space and the effects that it can have in the upcoming generations.


DMD : Dirty Money Detector

Decode the Deception : Your crypto guardian angel👼Flask, TensorFlow, Python, Seaborn, Streamlit, Replit


With Valt, your privacy isn't just promised; it's cryptographically protected. Store your files, images & passwords securly with the power of web3 with a twist - login to your valt using a seed image.Next.js, IPFS / Filecoin, RainbowKit, GUN DB


Web Application Development
Blockchain Development