Supratik Das
Roorkee, India
From a very early age, I had a passion for making 'things'. In my junior school years, I used to collect scrape items just to create something useful or just amusing out of them. When I got involved in a bit of programming in my middle school years, the same temperament continued. In fact, I created my first game in the 7th standard itself, a simple Pacman based game but engrossing. Be it any field of technology or just simple science, it always fascinated me.
My passion for development is what drove me into software and web dev. Currently, I am a software developer at SDSLabs, a college developers' group in IIT Roorkee, where I have worked on many software and web development projects. Since the group is constantly working on projects for the campus students, I got the opportunity to work on large scale projects and oversee everything from the code bug fixes to final deploy.
One of the most complex projects that I have worked on is worked on is a PaaS application where we provide deployment services to the campus students. It is based on microservice architecture where each service handle different aspect of deployment and monitoring. It's completing written in Golang. From the designer's point of view, it's as simple as providing the Github URL of your app and let our app do the rest. Other notable projects include an Oauth2 server and song downloader microservice for a music streaming application. I also leading the development of a Hashicorp Nomad based cloud-native attack-defence CTF platform. It uses microVMs as the team VMs and architecture inspired from standard cloud-native systems.
I believe that I can decide the architecture and flow of any software quite efficiently. This is what makes me capable of working on complex projects. And that is why backend development and serverside management interests me. Apart from this I am highly inspired by anything decentralized. Be it blockchain or distributed computing, and new innovation in this field really has me going. I believe I am quite fluent in Golang, Node, Python, PHP for backend as well as React, Vue and SASS for frontend.
I have taken part in several hackathons and I believe I can efficiently play with APIs and modules and build a decent app. I have an experience of many frameworks and libraries which I believe gives me an edge over others.