
Sujit Noronha

A deep learning and Computer Vision enthusiast working with classification, facial recognition, object detection technologies, generative modeling. Blending these with web-based applications. Developed a web-based facial recognition system, facial feature recognition multi-label neural net to detect facial features, satellite image location detection using transfer learning and Conv nets, Stock price detection using Lstm. And Integrating the machine learning models with flask/Django for easy deployment. Participated in numerous hackathons including a national level hackathon.



Security and Safty GuaranteedBootstrap, Django, Machine Learning, AWS, Object Detection, Face Recognition (research in motion)

Stay Safe with AIDjango, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Python, OpenVino, YOLO, Face Recognition

Farm Easy

Optimize and make life simpler for farmersDjango, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, spaCy, WebSockets, Python, Google Maps API, OCR, VueJS

StaySafe Connect

Handle the vaccination process with ease. Help everyone stay safeVue.js, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Python, Google Maps API, WebRTC, OpenVino


Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
RESTful API Design
Android Developement
Web Application Development