
Somesh Kar

I'm good at making web apps and websites, and am currently interested in cross platform app development in strongly typed languages like Dart. Since the start of 2018, I've been working on a project which I co-founded called Boxware, which is a way for delivering desktop software in a browser tab. This went on to be an interviewee for the Y Combinator S2018 batch. I've made a way of using docker containers for this, and have made a custom container orchestrator using Go(a language for distributed systems made by Google). I also love Linux, Bash and everything that comes along with it and use it everyday, and if given the choice I'd gladly spend my life adminstering a server cluster :). When I was 11, I got my hands dirty with a Raspberry Pi and since then if I see anyone using any OS which isn't Unix-based( looking at Windows users) it gets me pretty annoyed.



The difference between awareness and ignorance.React, Node.js, Next.js, Golang, React Native


Rapid on-chain certification platform running on Solana.React, Next.js, Flask, Python, Pillow, web3.js, Solana,




  • Boxware - Co-Founder
    March 2018 - Present

    I co founded a company called Boxware which let's you use full fledged linux desktops in the browser. We were an interviewee for the Y Combinator S2018 batch and got a grant of $10K from them.

  • Exun Clan - Member

    I help organise and host my school's annual tech symposium, Exun. We also go to other schools' events in the Delhi NCR tech circuit.

  • Cryptocracy - Co-Founder and Developer
    May 2020 - July 2020

    I helped organise a large scale international online Cryptic Hunt in June with 1000+ global participants.