
Seungwon Kim

Hi! I'm Seungwon Kim.

Here are some description about me.
Nice to meet you, and hope you to have a great journey in Blockchain industry!

Location: Incheon / Seoul, South Korea
Currently Majoring: Geoinformatic Engineering, Software Engineering
Ability: UI / Graphic Design (Figma, PS, Ai), Basic of Programming (Python, C++, Java), Presentation
Feature: Passionate, Open-minded!

Telegram: @odinnnwon


FavPick :A fair vote, True rapport.

A fair K-pop Social-Fi platform that ensures the transparency of voting and rewards fan loyalty. We use tokens for voting and reward tokens for the social behavior of the fan community.Solidity, React, Node.js, MongoDB


Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Basic of Python