Streams money to others for their time using Uniswap and Sablier.Solidity, React, Remix IDE, Web3, solidi, Vyper, remix, Truffle SuiteSmart Swap
An All in one platform where you can use Uniswap, Compound for your ETH-ERC20, ERC20-ETH, ERC20-ERC20, and ERC20-CTOKEN Swaps and Buy NFT's.Solidity, React, ethers.js, Matic, Web3, Compound Protocol, Uniswap, NFT, Truffle SuiteDSA Customiser
A User-Friendly Interface perfect for executing your complex Defi recipes or spells on top of InstaDapp's DSAReact, DSA SDK, InstaDappSkills
Smart Contracts
Quantitative Finance
MERN Stack