
Smit Rajput

Value-driven, customer-focused, critical-problem solver. Over 1.5 years' experience as an Ethereum developer. The toughest project : a dapp that brings privacy to blockchain-based loans using zero-knowledge proofs; primary takeaway : learning to implement compelling use cases of zero-knowledge proofs on the blockchain, while maintaining a clean UI. I can be of some value to this hackathon because of my experience in the ETH-space (won ETHIndia 2.0, attended ETHIndia 1.0, ConsenSys India Blockchain Hackathon and successfully completed the online ConsenSys Academy Developer Bootcamp), strong problem-solving skills and efficiency in implementing and integrating APIs to dapps.

[update] 18th May, 2022
Wrote smart contracts for Stake DAO for 1.5 years which managed +$400m, and joined Stake Capital as Research Analyst last month

[update] 17th Oct, 2022
Left Stake Capital in July, 2022. Since then working as an independent smart contract security researcher on open platforms like Sherlock and ImmuneFi


Iron Bank of Etheros

A game where you use all the tricks at your disposal to get to the top of the Council of Hodlers. The safety of the realm hangs in the balance. Oh you learn crypto concepts as an added benefit :)Solidity, React


Confidential loans on Lendroid using the Aztec ProtocolSolidity, AZTEC Protocol, Lendroid




  • Stake DAO - Smart Contract Dev
    February 2021 - April 2022

    Wrote smart contract that managed +$400m without getting hacked kek

  • Stake Capital Group - Research Analyst
    April 2022 - July 2022

    Tech heavy due diligence of early stage projects, for pre-seed and seed investments

  • Immunefi - Indie Smart Contract Security Researcher
    August 2022 - Present

    Hunting bugs in smart contracts on open platforms like Sherock, ImmuneFi

  • WandX - Blockchain Engineering Intern
    December 2019 - April 2020

    Worked to facilitate blockchain lending, trading and staking, all on a single platform