
Smile Gupta

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."

A young tech aspirant carrying 4 years of prolific experience in learning and teaching different fields of technologies including C++, C, HTML, CSS, MySQL, pyhton, Java, Tableau, MySql and Adobe Illustrator. An ardent by nature who loves to learn new things and is always ready to face new challenges in the journey of life. At present, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science & Engineering.

She is working towards a role where she can lead a team or individuals and make them learn, unlearn, and relearn the core concepts of computer science with a different approach. She is looking forward in having many more good experiences in the times to come those will polish her overall personality.

Coding Profiles:

  1. GitHub

  2. GeeksforGeeks

  3. Hackerrank

  4. Hackerearth


WIT Space

The only community women need to create an awesome career for them.GraphQL, Vercel, reactjs, material ui, Aws amplify, AWS Cognito




  • KonfHub - Frontend Engineer
    April 2020 - Present

    During my internship, I have worked on multiple projects.

    1. Improving the website of
    2. Making the Reseller application for JetBrains Tools
    3. A company's ongoing project -- its yet to be out in market
    4. Quiz Application for the event hosted by Konfhub
      Technologies/Tools: React, Next.js , Figma, Node.js, Bulma, Vuejs, GraphQL, HTML, CSS and Sass.
  • Give My Certificate - Frontend Engineer
    December 2019 - January 2020

    During my internship I was responsible for making UX screens for the company's website and later then converting the same design into code. Technologies/Tools used: Figma, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Clix Capital - Angular Intern
    June 2019 - July 2019

    Clix is a finance company that offers personal, vehicle, business, and home loans to individuals, partnership firms, companies, and other corporate entities. During my internship, i made a admin tool for the internal organisational purpose.