
Sivin Varughese

Hey! I'm Sivin Varughese, 3rd-year BTech-CSE student. I'm an AI/ML enthusiast and computer vision developer. I've worked with several IoT projects and won competitions. I also do design and front-end development for websites and mobile application prototypes. My hobbies include photography, video editing, playing piano, playing football. My projects include RNN stock predictor, automatic fire extinguisher, image classifiers, FabDigiLocker(lockers with no keys but app-based access). AI/ML, computer vision and IoT have always been my primary interest fields and the everyday advancements in these fields are so huge that it motivates me to push ahead and explore this world of tech.



One-stop to all your career-related queries. CounselBot is a web-based application to help students make effective career choices. It is a very user-friendly platform.TensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Bokeh, Python3,


One-stop to all your career-related queries. CounselBot is a web-based application to help students make effective career choices. It is a very user-friendly platform.TensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Bokeh, Python3,


One-stop solution for all the tourist-related queries, an all in one web-based solution for the tourists, local vendors, and the tourist guides.React, Node.js, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Heroku, AWS, MongoDB Atlas


Computer Vision
Web Security
Machine Learning
Internet of Things