I am a Computer engineering Junior. Currently, I am open to seeking Internship opportunities in any technology-related field.
I am passionate about learning and researching in the fields of Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and Data sciences. My current focus lies on learning and developing my coding, web development, and data science skills.
Other than my passion for technology, I also enjoy traveling, learning new things online, social media management, and event management.
Hera Health
She for SheHTML, React, CSS, Flask, Python, GitHubSpaceVest
SUSTAINABLE INVESTING IN 2050Firebase, JavaScript, Flutter, Tailwind CSS, Material-UISafeSocial
A chrome extension used to block hateful and offensive comments on social media sites such as Youtube and TwitterJavaScript, TensorFlow, Keras, Python, GitHub, CSS3, FastAPI, HTML5NMD
Revolutionalizing Opthalmology with ML's PowerHTML, Firebase, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, PythonSAVANT
All in one Research AssistantPostman, JWT, QuillJS, MERN stackINQUEST
Aid to Women Researchers around the 🌎Postman, Socket.IO, JWT, MERN stack, Material-UI, repl.it, pdftron, ReactPDFviewer, Quill.Js, ArXivSkills
Power BI