
Shivansh Singhal

I am a Junior Undergrad at Computer Engineering Dept, NIT Surat. I am a Data Science enthusiast, more specifically I love to explore and learn about how data is going to take over every sector with the power of Data Analytics & Machine Learning.
I have been working in the field of Data Science for the past year & doing backend web development in python as a side interest. Since then I have worked on various skills in the field of Data Science:

  • Data Collection from various online sources using data scraping/web crawling
  • Data Cleaning & Wrangling using pandas
  • Statistical analysis of data using NumPy
  • Visualizing data and extracting valuable information from the data using matplotlib
  • Implemented various machine learning algorithms from scratch verifying by comparing the results with scikit-learn in-built modules for the algorithms

Over the past two years, I have worked on numerous projects:

  • Music Spot - A full-stack Django-React app that uses Spotify API to let users create and join music rooms for partying & chilling
  • Student Investment Portfolio (SIP) - A student Investment portfolio web app built with various optimization techniques and screening parameters from core finance including the Markowitz model, Monte Carlo Simulations & Ratio Analysis
  • Stock Bot - A python telegram bot to fetch real-time global financial market indices, latest news articles in the world of finance & business, and articles on math models & finance for algorithmic trading
  • TV Spree - A python web app built with flask to track movies & TV shows having features like giving insights about user's watching pattern, and provide a social platform to binge-watchers for competing
  • Amazon Price Tracker - A python app to track prices of multiple products by just telling the product name, and expected price
  • YouTube Downloader (GUI App) - A python GUI app to download YouTube videos on my local computer built using PyQt and tkinter

Working on these projects I have gained experiences in many fields, out of which my top skills are:

  • Flask (micro-web framework of python)
  • Data Scraping/Web Crawling
  • Scripting in Python
  • Data Cleaning/Wrangling & Data Analytics

Visit my GitHub Profile: shivanshsinghal107



DCODE : A Blockchain based Competitive Coding PlatformSolidity, React, Node.js, Ganache CLI, MetaMask, Smart Contract, Postman, TypeScript, MongoDB


LEARN CORONA, STAY UPDATED, STAY SAFE.NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Python, Folium, Plotly

Student Investment Portfolio (SIP)

A one-stop destination for all your investment needs which leads to a path of financial freedomHTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Flask, Heroku, Python, PostgreSQL, Database


A data app to build your dream elevenPython, Streamlit


Machine Learning


  • Bombay Analytica - Data Science Intern
    November 2020 - December 2020
    • Developed algorithms to find buy & sell strategies by comparing two historically co-related stocks tested to work with stocks on BSE/NSE.
    • Built a simple powerful-looking website to host and showcase services offered by the company using Django and React.