
Sheetal Choppakatla

I'm well versed in Java and JavaScript development environments to build stand-alone applications and dynamic web-apps.
The enthusiasm to develop a product that improves the way we interact with computer always make me strive hard to learn something new everyday.
The most complex project I've worked on is a Library Management System in Java which provides interfaces for librarians, clerks and staff to manage the borrowed books using a MySQL database. It leverages the Object Oriented Concepts to manage the data in a scalable and efficient manner.
I leaned how to develop schema for covering large use cases, and also I gained expertise in managing the database through JDBC.
I believe I should be given a chance to showcase my talent and skills on a great platform to put life into my ideas in the least time possible.


Co-operative Farming System

Our project is a blockchain-based transparent smart contract marketplace where the farmers and consumers can connect for efficient farming and also for getting quality products.Node.js, npm, Smart Contract

