
Sharvani Ramineni

I am good at Problem Solving,Coding.I am proficient in JAVA and Python. I like learning new skills on the go. I am enthusiastic to solve complex problems. This drives me.
The most complex project that I worked on is a Website for Inventory Management. It maintains the stock levels and alerts the suppliers whenever the stock runs low. Front end was developed using HTML,CSS and Bootstrap . JAVA and Oracle DBA was used for backend.

I feel the Hackathon organisers should accept me because I want an oppurtunity to express myself and breathe life into my ideas through this Hackathon. Also this is my first Hackathon and HINT 0 is one of the coolest Hackathon in the country . So i don't want to miss this oppurtunity.


Co-operative Farming System

Our project is a blockchain-based transparent smart contract marketplace where the farmers and consumers can connect for efficient farming and also for getting quality products.Node.js, npm, Smart Contract

