
Shalu Saroj

I am Shalu Saroj, currently pursuing my BE in CSE at FCRIT, Vashi.

I have worked as an intern in Reliance Industries Ltd. and was assigned to build a website associated to their ongoing project of KGD-6 block. It gave me an in depth knowledge about the frontend as well as backend technologies and helped me to polish my skill set.

Few of my project work includes:

  1. Movie Recommendation System using Machine Learning
    The system recommends the movie to the user on the basis of the previous rating history of the items, implemented the collaborative filtering method using Singular Value Decomposition technique.

  2. Stock Market Prediction using LSTM
    Used LSTM Method method for predicting stock prices more precisely; worked on a data collected over a 60-day period, trained the data set to predict the stock prices of the next day.


LegalLedger - Blockchain In Judicial System

LegalLedger is an end-to-end decentralized solution to conduct court proceedings online in much safer, secure and tamper-proof manner to make the case files storage process effective and easier.MetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Ganache, React.js, Truffle Suite


Blockchain in Judicial SystemMetaMask, Web3, Ethereum, Ganache, React.js, Truffle Suite


MS SQL Server