Siddharth Yadav
Lucknow, India
One of my exciting project(which won us the first prize at HackInOut) was SadlyDistributed. In this, we compile your distributed code in almost any language to WebAssembly and then all of it is executed in a cluster of browsers. Anyone who just opens our website in their browser will share his or her computing power with us. This makes volunteer computing fun. More info can be found here: https://github.com/sedflix/inout
Another of my exciting projects(reseach+development+deployment) was to generate a table of contents(ToC as in http://bit.ly/videoken-toc-demo12) for educational/instructional videos. It involved using state of the art, speech-to-text-systems, automatic punctuator, topic-modeling, text-segmentation, coreference-resolution, and semantic-role-labeling. Each of them is a research field itself. I've to fine-tune most of the models for my purpose. Each small part was deployed as a microservice. Using Docker Swarm, I was able to provide on-demand horizontal scaling and load-balancing.
I firmly believe that there is a large gap between the current machine learning research and its usage in the real world. I want to help in bridging that gap.
Things which excites me: Deep Learning, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux Kernel, Open Source, systems in general (in no particular order).