
Saurabh kumar kaushal

Student at MNNIT Allahabad.



Save food and dive deep into the realm of delicacyFirebase, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Android Stu


Allow User to trade/track different crypto CoinsReact, Node.js, MongoDB, Razorpay


Billing made easyReact, MongoDB Atlas, mongoose, Nodejs


This application will find the %age of love between couples,written in c language.

Traffic automation

This model detect and classify the vehicle into their classes using tensorflow.TensorFlow, Deep Learning, Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook


This bot will follow a particular colour line,line can be turn at any angle by making any path.Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Infrared Sensor, Microcontroller

Social Distancing

An android app which help the people to alert when they get very close so that they maintain social distance and got more than 1K+ downloads on google playstore.Java, Android Studio, Blutetooth

Smart Home (Home Automation)

This project comprise of both hardware and software parts and in this we automate various things (lighting bulb, shutting window, opening door by face recognising) which can be done in a home.Java, Android Studio, NodeMCU, Arduino IDE, Python

Streaming hub

Streaming hub is a java desktop application (like twitch) for live video streaming and chatting. ( A group project)Java, SQL, JavaFX, JFoenix

Search e

An android app through which we can search about the elecronic components by capturing the image or browsing the image or through typing and we can also expolore all available electronic components.Machine Learning, Java, Android Studio, Python, Jupyter Notebook


Data Structures
Android Developement