I'm basically a kid who is interested in all things related to technology. So basically technology gets me moving. I love messing around with computers, programming and making new things. I have recently developed great interest in AI and Machine Learning. I am currently learning and working on Deep Learning and Neural Networks. I am also a member of FOSSASIA and love open source development. Most (not all) of my works are open source. I also have good experience in Android development and Android security. I like doing stuff which is unfamiliar and 'out of the curriculum'. I have worked on various blockchain projects and have been selected for and attended many prestigious national level hackathons.
Currently working on an AI-based voice assistant that can query their private APIs securely and provide a new way for their customers to use their platform i.e. via voice.
Created APIs and cloud infrastructure. Automated various aspects of the foundation using cloud computing and made a secure chatbot for them.