I'm a junior undergraduate currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai. My name itself incorporates some of my qualities, such as polished behavior, calm & composed nature, and clarity of thoughts. I completely dedicate myself to the work that I am involved with and always try to give attention to details. I chose to become an engineer due to curiosity and have always been fascinated with the backend technology involved in the services that we use very frequently.
SmartOnlineLearningPlatform where students and teachers of an organization can interact and facilitate learning.Features like ChatGroups are provided for communication and forum is provided for doubtsReact, Ant Design, Node.js, Socket.IO, JWT, Express.js, MongoDB, Chatbot, bycryptjs, AIAnti cheating Exam conductor
Its an anticheating platform which consists of a support Chatbot for students, Camera Survelliance for teachers, Face Recognition for authentication and Monitored BrowsingChatbot, Nodejs, reactjs, faceapiDigiBlock
Digiblock, One stop solution to all your important documents. Are you worried about keeping your important documents and losing them. DigiBlock is your one stop destination for uploading files.Solidity, IPFS, Ethereum, MERN stack, Blockchain, Ganache, Tesseract OCR, Truffle SuiteSkills
Machine Learning