I am an Android Developer and an enthusiast and have been working in the same for about a year and learning modern and new techniques for developing an app.
I am in my 4th year of college. In my last two years at my college, I have completed a great deal of coursework on Software Development and Android Mobile Application Development using Java and Kotlin where I learned and applied different techniques of making UI/UX interactive and attractive with the use of different libraries to build a robust application.
I have my first application published on Google Play Store. I hope to further improve its user experience and features based on the feedback. I have also worked on 2 projects with a college colleague to develop an app for college students and society.
I have used firebase integration in my projects. These include getting and uploading data, firebase sign in with google, storage, Performance and Crashlytics SDK, etc. I am also eager to explore more new technologies.
Currently, I am learning motion animations and architectural components of android frameworks like Room Database, Live data, etc. I am also training myself to explore new designs and better UX to make my applications appealing to the user.
Along with this, I am an open-source enthusiast and maintain an open-source project College Connect
I am also the Co-Founder of College Connect, an app for college students deployed on play store
College Connect is an android application aimed to be a one-stop shop for all the college needs irrespective of college and course.
It aims to create a helpful platform for all college students. It uses Firebase and Room Database to store and display the information to the user. The app uses Material UI for an attractive interface (subject to improvement) which attracts the user to stay on the app for more time.
This idea was developed for Ideathon held in BVCOE, New Delhi where it was presented to be a college app for BVCOE, New Delhi
Later it was aimed to be a third party app for every college and course in India
Helped in organising events and hosting various Android workshops in the college to introduce Android Development to new students. Worked as a team to organise and host HACKERMAN EXIT(0) challenge during BVEST 2019
Efficiently managing daily task and organizing various workshops and events in college to educate students about the upcoming changes and development in technology. Recently managed, organised and hosted WIEQuest on behalf of CS Chapter (BVPIEEE)
Implemented the background music and sounds feature from
the ground up using Exoplayer and to be played behind the meditation Assisted in upgradation of the application codebase to the new
schema developed for scaling of the application
Interpreted product design and examined various aspects of
the product like positing, designing, market fit, and user analytics