I'm a 3rd year CS student at the University of Waterloo and here are some of my notable experiences in the blockchain field:
https://github.com/saileshp56/tether-usdt-account-relations I won first place in a Graph Foundation hackathon with this subgraph I made
https://github.com/saileshp56/web3.js-plugin-nft-master I won second place in a ChainSafe hackathon for this plugin that facilitates user interactions with ERC-721 NFTs
https://face2gho.edisonqu.com/ I made all the blockchain interaction components for this website for the latest ETHGlobal hackathon. It made it to the final round of finalist demos
I'm a club executive at the University of Waterloo Blockchain Club
I help run University of Waterloo's blockchain research circle discussions, and I led the research discussion on AAVE
Currently doing an undergrad research project on using ZK Proofs with ML Models under Doctor Sergey Gorbunov who cofounded Axelar