
Sahil Morankar

I am a Curious and hard-working Third Year Computer Engineering student at PVG's COET, Pune. Basically I love coding and new emerging technologies. I have worked in many fields like Web Development, Android Development, Blockchain, Competitive Coding, Data Science, Machine Learning. Also currently heading a Lab development in Virtual Labs.
Currently I am comfortable in Python, Javascript, TypeScript, Python, C++, Flutter,etc. Also Took part in many Hackathons and Coding Competitions.
I have initially Worked on many projects and would like to work in Healthcare based Project!


Air Pollution Index

There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.Django, Machine Learning, Webscraping


Prassana is a tool for counselors for the preliminary diagnosis of mental healthDjango, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Sentiment Analysis, Webscraping

Car Price Prediction

Getting lost with approximate prices? We help you find your way to accurate On-Road Price of any car in your city.AI/ML

Flash chat

A chatting applicationFirebase, Java, Android Studio, Google Maps API, Picasso, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, RecyclerView

Tech Server

Make customers your first priorityFirebase, Java, XAMPP, Ml

STREE - Women Security and Empowerment App.

STREE supports the development of an individual woman’s life by empowering them on aspects like Safety, Financial Empowerment, Skill Development, Government Scheme Awareness to lead a better tomorrow.Firebase, Java, XML, Android SDK, GitHub, Room Database, Angular Studio, Google Location services

