
Ryan Ouyang


I'm Ryan, a mechanical keyboard enthusiast and blockchain aficionado! Always on the lookout for cool tech to work with and cool events to hang out at, so feel free to connect!


NFTea Room

A platform and DAO to supply and decide accurate pricing information for NFTs using a decentralized and democratic voting process.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, Next.js, TypeScript, DAOHaus, The Graph, Textile (ThreadDB), Unstoppable Domains


Hyperledger Fabric


  • Jonah Group - Technical Development Intern
    July 2018 - September 2018

    Worked on a 3-layer blockchain-powered trading application using Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Composer (RIP), Flask, Socket.io, and React/Redux.

    • Set up distributed Hyperledger Fabric networks on AWS in multiple configurations

    • Upgraded and maintained Hyperledger Composer and Go chaincode on distributed Fabric setups
      • Registering TLS certificates and pub/priv key pairs with Fabric's Certificate Authority
      • Adding new organizations/peer nodes into Fabric network
      • Writing and upgrading Fabric endorsement policies
      • Writing all aspects of Composer business networks from scratch (transaction logic, access control, etc.)

    • Wrote internal documentation, setup scripts, and employee guides for working with Hyperledger technologies

    • Wrote unit tests in cucumber-js for Composer business networks

    • Connected Flask API server to Hyperledger Composer network

    • Wrote Python unit tests using Nose

    • Created real-time UI layer with React/Redux + Socket.io

  • Jonah Group - Technical Development Intern
    June 2019 - August 2019

    Worked on a fintech project using Hyperledger Fabric

    • Wrote smart contracts in Typescript

    • Managed development containers for the team

    • Also worked on the company website and related admin tools using React, GatsbyJS, and Flask (Python)