
Renat Khasanshyn

Im co-founder at Atomica.org - Risk Transfer Markets Protocol. Some described Atomica contracts as Uniswap for crypto-native risk pools. Risk pools provide yield to capital providers on one side, and provide insurance against crypto-native risks for buyers of risk pool tokens on another side (for example the loss of funds from smart contracts like Compound, dYdX, Set, Maker, Gnosis Safe).

We are launching with three types of risk pools for any of the supported contracts whitelisted by governance:

  1. Hacking of smart contracts.
  2. Centralization risks (loss or compromise of admin keys).
  3. Economic design risks (oracle failure/bank run).

Prior to Atomica, I was co-founder of Etherisc, and co-founder/CEO of Altoros & Protofire.



Referral program to accelerate mass adoption of your decentralized protocol or a dApp. Incentivize actual users of your protocol or a dApp. Incentivize those who refer/bring traffic of actual users.Solidity, reactjs


Distributed Systems