Myself Rohit studying in Third year of my under-grad at Sastra University.
Personaly I am huge Tech enthusiast/addict and have interest in Datascience field, knows Web and Android Development and explored through in around ML, Deeplearning, AI fields.
I have build Crosslisting website using Web tech and AI driven for smart suggestions and automation for Top E-commerce websites as part of US Client project(Hammoq)
I also worked on Automated Shopping mall with the help of GCP cloud resources for making shopping easy and smart
I run freelancing company by the CVRROCKET where we build product and offer services for small startup companies in the range of AI, So build products like collaborative app and much more
Appas based company , worked on chatting systems and inventory management automation
Establishing Financial Data Feeds,Frontend Web Development(MERN)
Data Visualization with Perspective
Developed/Built Multi site cross listing platform from scratch with chrome
extensions, Web app(MERN), ML routines and Data Analytics for customers
products for Hammoq (USA), Quality Management system for RDC Concrete(India)