Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Developer
Land Deed's on Blockchain as NFT's
We have created a decentralized platform for land registry in India.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, JavaScript, Postman, Blockchain, HTML/CSS, Replit, opensea, Geroli TestnetLand Deeds As NFTs
NFT based transfer approach in Land Deeds using smart contracts resulting in the decentralised storage of land deeds.Solidity, IPFS, JavaScript, Infura, MongoDB, mongoose, HTML/CSS, Smart Contracts, Nodejs, ReplitLand registration on Blockchain
we have created a decentralized land record with transparent actions happening in land registrations.
Not only digitalization but making them temper proof by converting those into digital assets.Solidity, HTML, React, Infura, Web3, pinata, Node, FilecoinLandNFTs using blockchain
The project aims to provide a decentrailsed database with transparent actions happening in land registration benefitting the both govt and public.IPFS, JavaScript, Ethereum TestRPC, Web3, Blockchain, MongoDB Atlas, pinata, Nodejs, Replit, dojima-networkSkills
Machine Learning
Quantum Computing