Rohit Sethi


Skill iconPython
Skill iconTensorFlow
Skill iconC++
Skill iconPyTorch
Skill iconKeras

AI Research Intern, Veda Labs

Delhi, India

I am a Machine Learning Engineer who loves Mathematics. My eagerness of learning and applying theoretical knowledge drives me.
Other things that excites me is torturing data to reveal state of the art results . I have a never ending love for algorithms be it from sorting algorithms to algorithms used in neural networks. My most complex project that i have worked on and still working is the Retrieval Based chat-bot , Here i am using a dual-encoder LSTM with clustering on sentence embeddings obtained from keywords of customer reply context for automated customer reply engine. My earlier DIY projects include a 8 - bit breadboard CPU, Basic Interpreter, shape detector to identify 100 images from quick draw dataset, image colourizer bot , Neural style transfer, facial keypoint detection and much more.These projects are available on my github.
I mostly work with keras for deep learning but have a bit knowledge of tensorflow too. For data science i use scikit-learn, pandas, dask, plotly, bokeh, numpy,matplotlib, seaborn.
I am competent and confident individual who knows how to deal with real-life probelms be it with computer science or life situations.