

  • I'm Riya Joshi , an IT undergraduate pursuing BTech from KJSCE. My objective in life is to excel personally & professionally and to work in an organization in which I can fully utilize and bring out the best of my skills for the development and betterment of the company. I identify myself as a curious , self-motivated and adaptable.

  • My strength is my enthusiasm and the patience with which I work.

  • Area of major interests include : Software development , ML , AI for healthcare and Cloud computing.

  • I have past experience in Web development , UI/UX and python programming.


Automatic Image Enhancer

Make your image look the best it canNode.js, Deep Learning, Python, Object Detection, Express.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, mongoose


Completely decentralized blockchain based music streaming applicationSolidity, MetaMask, Ganache, React.js, Truffle Suite, web3 storage

Society Management System

Developed a full fledged web app, for the efficient and hassle free working of the various societal tasks performed by society authorities in order to curb the traditional practices .PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Textlocal API, HTML5​, Database: MySQL, Composer, Backend: Ajax


A web-app made using flask and Deep learning ( custom CNN model with InceptionResNetV2 ) in python for identifying the breed of the dog from its image.Flask, OpenCV, Deep Learning, Python, CSS3, HTML5​

Fashion Garment Recognizer

Developed a custom CNN model for classifying the images of the fashion_mnist dataset containing 60,000 training images and 10,000 testing images.Deep Learning, Python


Performed EDA and sentiment analysis of reviews using metrics like Sentiment Polarity and VADER Polarity in NLP and created wordclouds for better visulaization.Deep Learning, Python, NLP


Hand cricket game using hand gesture recognition ( OpenCv - Python ( image processing ) )OpenCV, Tkinter, Python


Heart disease prediction using supervised machine learning algorithmsMachine Learning, Python


Data Science
UI/UX Designing
Web development


  • KJSCE - Web Developer
    December 2019 - March 2020

    Working on creating a full fledged website keeping in needs of a steel manufacturing company.
    Technologies used : HTML5 , CSS3 , Bootstrap3 , Javascript , PHP , Mysqli

  • KJSCE - Data analyst
    December 2019 - May 2020
    • The aim of the project was to analyse the development opportunities and the problems faced by the State Transport facility of Sinnar Taluka, Nashik District.
    • We as a team, worked with Osmand , Google Earth, QGIS 3.4.13 and PostGIS extension in PostgreSQL 12.
    • The development opportunities were analysed taking into consideration factors like census data, bus fares, type of routes (profitable, non-profitable), peak hours,etc.
    • The data was presented using QGIS layer mapping and running SQL queries on the collected data.
    • This internship is in tie up with IIT-Bombay.
  • KJSCE Robocon - Image processing intern
    June 2020 - July 2020
    • Built an OCR- GUI app which has the following features : Importing images , Auto-crop , Manual-crop , Text detection from images , Display detected text , Blur an image , Save image.

    • Built an Hand cricket game using hand gesture recognition. The score is calculated according to the hand gesture. Its a two player game between the user and PC.

    • Continuous evaluation on all the various assignments done on these major concepts : Capturing frames from the live webcam feed and manipulating the frames , drawing on images ,cropping , ROI , warping , perspective , template matching , filters , masking , contours , tkinter , tesseract.

  • Dewrty Foundation - Web deveoper
    June 2020 - August 2020

    Front-end development of ecommerce website for selling flowers, plants, seeds.
    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Jacascript, jQuery, SCSS, Bootstrap

  • Fouses - User Interface Designer
    June 2020 - July 2020
    • Creating UI designs using Adobe XD for the websites under Fouses
    • Creating banners and artworks using Canva for the website
    • Front-end development of the Wordpress website( using elementor , HTML , CSS)