
Rishabh Chauhan

I am Web Developer with expreience in DevOps. Learning new concepts in field of computer science is what drives my passion. I believe in applying theoritical knowledge to real life which helps in cherishing beauty of Engineering. I have made a 8-bit breadboard CPU. RAM, ALU, control unit, registers were all built on a breadboard and its ROM was programmed using Arduino. It was a great learning experience for all four of us working on that project, applying the theory learned in STLD and COA in real life. I also wrote a small Interpreter to learn about working of compilers and interpreters, use of Normal Forms, Language Grammar, recursive parse trees. All concepts of our subject Theory of Computation were applied.
I work with Node.js on backend and React.js on frontend and Docker for microservices. I have built projects like a bot sending Netlify build updates to telegram, a bot to color black and white images, a web app which can predict the shape drawn. These projects are avilable on my GitHub.
I am a versatile programmer, picking up tools and languages on the go, when required. I have made small projects and utility programs in Python, C++. I also have nick for electronics. I love making electronics projects in my free time. Like we made a solar panel which turns itself in direction of sun.



Analyse your waves to peopleFlask, TensorFlow, Webpack, WebRTC, Theano




  • SurePass - Fullstack Developer Intern
    June 2019 - Present

    Responsible for making scaleable APIs, working on flask server, maintaining AWS infrastucture and developing API analytics dashboard in React.