I am a full stack developer specializing in ruby on rails technology. In addition I have experience in python,Java, and php.
Mobile App development (Android) and backend integration in Ruby on Rails of two location based Android apps-CompanyMapp and GlamourMapp. CompanyMapp is an app for finding dates around your area. GlamourMapp app is for finding salons according to price near you. Android devel-opment (front end) of ScoopWhoop App.
Full stack developer on a Ruby on Rails web application using HTML, CSS, Javascript. Developing responsive web pages for Petterr App, an app for posting/discovering services related to your pet.
Training junior developers.
Sole developer in the Earningscast project. Responsibilities included maintaining large-scale complex software.
● Troubleshooting highly critical bugs in production that required strong analytical skills.
● Writing RESTful services for new features in Mobile and documenting them
● Handled responsibility of redesign of Earningscast- app with financial call recordings.
● Delivered ‘Lightening talk’ at RubyConf 2015 Goa.
● Implemented Internal Project ‘Cyborg Skills Profile’ using knowledge of TDD.
● Participated in Rails Rumble to develop Movie Architect project with 4 other colleagues.