1st runner up in Smart India Hackathon 2019 under complicated category.
2nd prize winner in HaXplore 2019, Nation wide Hackathon by IIT BHU (varanasi) in association with Devfolio.
3rd prize winner in KJSCE Hack 2019, Nation wide Hackathon by KJ Somaiya college of Engineering, Mumbai in association with Devfolio.
3rd prize winner in Mini Hackathon by AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune.
Winner in Intra department Technical presentation competition MIT School of Engineering, Pune.
Organizer Codebreak 1.0, Nation wide Hackathon at MIT ADT University (www.codebreak.co.in) in association with devfolio and AIC(Atal incubation center).
Organizer MIT ADT UNIVERSITY Persona Fest 2020
Organizer: Humanoid walking Robot workshop inassociation with Cognizance IIT Roorkee with eduxlabs
Organizer: Python for AI workshop by MLH (Major League Hacking)
VEM tools is a mold producing company. I worked as a Software development intern in automating:-Mold Designing which takes minimum 48 hours if done manually.-Mold cost estimation, takes 6-8 hours manually.
Worked as a Flask developer for Nibodh Educare, worked on different modules of this giant project. Modules I’vedeveloped for Nibodh are :-
Compare Schools, with dynamic matrix of comparison for different facilities, Boards, locality etc.
-ImplementedREST APIfor request handling using flask built from scratch.
-Full Text searchusing mongodb implemented debouncing technique for searching schools with different filters.
-UsedAJAXfor real-time data transfer and manipulation.
-Admin Panel for school management and its authentication with password authentication.
Was hired as a full stack React-native developer, to develop a tourism app using React-native in front-end and Flaskmonogdb in the back-end. Worked extensively on:-
Database designing (including schema for Users, reviews, comments, pictorial data etc.).-REST APIfor request handling using flask built from scratch.
-Text searchusing mongodb implemented debouncing technique for the same.
-User authentication with password encryption.
-Pictorial data loading optimisation including (3D images)
Was hired as a front-end web developer to design and develop responsive front-end for E-commerce site of ExympowerSoftware and Services Pvt. Ltd. Development included-
Client Screens:- Home, Product description, Cart, checkout, Login/Registrations etc.
-Admin Panel:- Sales visualisation (using Google graphs), user edits, data tables, stock managements etc.
Note:UI was purely built using HTML5,CSS3 and Bootstrap no UI bundles was used
Working as a backend developer.