
Ritchie Pulikottil

I am a passionate developer and a curious analyst. I love to work with large datasets and meddle with the insights I obtain from them, and as a writer, I'm someone who knows the Internet quite well, who is totally comfortable with contemporary technologies and how it is changing the social fabric of the world in general. I strongly believe in passion and I think it should be the root cause behind our hard work. The goal is to basically add productivity to each and every day of my life, doing things that I am most passionate about. I love to listen to other's ideas and doubts, so please feel free to reach out to me anytime regarding anything, I will try my best to listen, support, and share my ideas as well! Have a nice day :)


JobPortal for the Disabled.

A basic job portal site to its accessible version just with inclusion of several HTML attributes.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS


An Online Exam Portal for everyone.PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Data Science