Urban Vidovič


R&D Engineer at Blockchain Lab:UM and Lutra Labs contributing to web3. Building masca.io. Dog person. Hip-hop head. Filmophile.

R&D Engineer at Blockchain Lab:UM and Lutra Labs contributing to web3. Building masca.io. Dog person. Hip-hop head. Filmophile.

Skill iconPython
Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconRust
Skill iconTypeScript
Skill iconNext.js

Maribor, Slovenia


My name is Urban, but you can call me bunny 🐰 or just refer to me as pseudobun.

I'm a Software Engineer with great interest and passion for Blockchain, Web3, Decentralization, and making the world a better place. Also, I really LOVE dogs. 🐶

👨🏻‍💻 Career

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🎨 Hobbies

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With ❤️ from me to you.