I am a fourth year student studying Computer Science Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Raipur. I love programming and am engaged in both competitive programming and development. I have experience working in native Android App development along with django framework in python for the backend. I am familiar with languages C++, Java, Python and Bash. Have also some experience working with deep learning technologies. I am a linux and open source and free software enthusiast.
It's a VSCODE extension that eases the workflow of the developer with various tools made available in VS-Code.VSCODE, VonageAquaIoT
Curing by PreventingDjango, Next.js, Git, GitHub, PostgreSQL, Arduino, Tailwind CSS, Django rest frameworkMental Being
Maintain your Diary Analyse your MindDjango, TensorFlow, Keras, Python, Kotlin, Chart.js, Kotlin REST API, React.js, Django rest frameworkSmart SLIMS
Smart Street Light Infrastructure Management SystemReact, Django, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, ESP-32 WiFi Module, Current Sensor(ACS712), LDR SensorSkills
RESTful API Design
Flask and Django