I am a highly motivated individual who is currently exploring his interests in ideating, building, and deploying dynamic and rich Web experiences using Frontend technologies such as React, Next, and Vue as well as backend technologies like Flask, Node, and express. I also have experience with databases like Firebase, SQLAlchemy, and MongoDB and am eager to learn more. Additionally, I am exploring the Ethereum ecosystem and the potential of web3.0. I have also successfully led teams to win more than 15 hackathons on a global level and have developed innovative products with great potential.
To create a website that helps models improve their craft at an amateur stage.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, MySQL, Tensorflow.Js-r
-rSolidity, React, Node.js, MetaMask, TensorFlow, Express.js, MongoDB, Ethereum, web3j, FastAPIlazar
minimal marketplceReactGroove
ServiceSolidity, IPFS, React, Connext, web3.js, Hardhat, tailwind, Filecoin, NFT.Storagepipit
A marketplace leveraging web3Solidity, Tailwind CSS, nextjs, Polygon, Arcana, Push Protocol, fvm, Mantlemutliverse
A multiverseSolidity, Next.js, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), OpenAi, Ethereum, Hardhat, tailwindBlinkify
decentralized nepal PlatformSolidity, ethers.js, TailWindCSS, yeoman, Spheron, Push, vscode-extensionTBD
Something description stuffnextjs-r
-rSolidity, Next.js, ethers.js, Tailwind CSS, Wagmi, CoreDAO, Lumio, vara, AnonAaadhar, ScaffoldEthlazarus
For Bringing the god among usHTML, CSS, Flask, Machine Learning, SQLAlchemySkills
- TVS Motor - SDE Intern
May 2023 - July 2023
- Developed a comprehensive Excel Visualization Portal that automated and streamlined the company's data management, reducing manual effort by 80% and enhancing efficiency.
- Implemented efficient data scraping functionalities to gather information from external sources seamlessly.
Incorporated powerful data visualization tools to present the extracted data in a visually engaging manner
- CoinDCX - SDE
Managed backend services developed in Golang and TypeScript. Worked extensively with Solana, cosmos, EVM ecosystems. Was involved in P0 and P1 bug fixes and worked with cross functional teams to implement product requirements.
Added Opentelemetry to various services and created their respective monitors and dashboards. Restructured multiple services to their v2 versions.
- CoinDCX - SDE1
Managed backend services developed in Golang and TypeScript. Worked extensively with Solana, cosmos, EVM ecosystems. Was involved in P0 and P1 bug fixes and worked with cross functional teams to implement product requirements.
Added Opentelemetry to various services and created their respective monitors and dashboards. Restructured multiple services to their v2 versions.