I'm Full Stack Web3 Developer from India with a keen interest in Cross-Chain and De-Fi. I'm also a Member at Solana .
On chain warranty solution powered by FilecoinSolidity, React, Tailwind CSS, Nodejs, IPFS / Filecoin, fvmResuchain
This is a decentralised portfolio project , people will be able to upload their resume in the blockchain and all their peojects in and their skills in the blockchain , these data will be store in ipfsSolidity, IPFS, React, Ethereum, pinata, Tailwind CSS, NodejsResuChain
This is a decentralised portfolio project , people will be able to upload their resume in the blockchain and all their peojects in and their skills in the blockchain , these data will be store in ipfsSolidity, IPFS, React, pinata, Tailwind CSS, remix, Nodejs, VSCODE, PolybaseReverb
Reverb: Echoing Conversations on the Celo Blockchain!Solidity, Next.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), Celo, Huddle01Skills