
Shubham Poojary

I am Shubham of the House Poojary, Millionth of My Name, Bachelor of the Computer Science Engg, Expert of Business Administration, Programmer of Java, C, Python and developer in Ethereum, The Reader of Books, Dancer of Hiphop, Player of Basketball, Writer of Quora, Slave of the Student World, Woking in short timelines, a Good team player, Quick learner and Lover
of the European Charm.


Fundo - Decentralized Funding and Patron Support

Fundo is a Decentralized Funding and Patron Support platform built on Ethereum. Fundo helps obtain no scam Crowd funding and Charity funding decentralized environment we need.Solidity, HTML, Vue.js, CSS, MetaMask, JavaScript, Vuetify, Remix IDE, Web3


Adobe Photoshop
Android Developement
Java SE