Mihir Chaturvedi
New Delhi, India
As mentioned on my website mihir.ch, my forte lies in web development. Handling most of the programming aspects using JavaScript or Python in one way or the other (be it in the command-line or server-side using Node or front-end client-side), I make/have made webapps, browser extensions, CLI apps, bots and what not. In all this, I'm a very active contributer to the open-source community. Check out my GitHub profile too :)
A few of my projects that have gained significant popularity on GitHub and in general are:
2048.cpp — ? A fully-featured terminal version of the popular game "2048" written in C++
Refined Hacker News — ✨ Browser extension: Hacker News, but refined — Interface tweaks and features to make the HN experience better
Markdown New Tab — ?️ ⏰ ✔️ Browser New Tab: Save notes in Markdown directly in the 'New Tab' pag
Made With Love In — ❤️ Mircoservice for serving and listing "Made with love in <country-name>" badges buildt
NB: Also, I call myself plibither8. For whatever reason you fancy :)