Hey there! 👋 I'm Hitarth Patel, a Computer Engineering student at Dharmsinh Desai University. I'm enthusiastic about web development and programming, and always on the lookout for opportunities to grow my technical and management skills.
Vice President at CSI DDU
Web Development Team Lead at GDSC DDU
Management Team member at Malgadi DDU
Here are some of my key technical skills:
Web Development:
Programming Languages:
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on GitHub for updates on my latest projects and contributions!
Looking forward to exploring new opportunities and challenges in the world of web development and programming. 🚀
• Engineered backend for a software CAConnect using Django, JavaScript, and MySQL to support chartered accountants, employees, and clients.
• Managed databases, optimised frontend integration with JQuery and AJAX, and delivered a scalable, secure solution, enhancing task management and employee/client interactions.