
Susheendhar Vijay

Hey I'm Susheendhar! Currently working as a Data Scientist, ever since the bull run of 2020 been obsessed with web3 and now deep down the rabbit hole. Decided to quit my job and join the space full time. A common criticism of the crypto space is that it's not 'actually useful' and people only use it to make money. As developers it's up to us to build applications that offer a better alternative to the current status quo. That's my goal, to make crypto accessible and make it mainstream and truly realize it's potential that we all know it has. Polygon and other scaling solutions play a crucial role in this. As an indian developer it's also nice to support our Indian founders!


The Unstoppable shop

The first decentralized, truly peer-to-peer, escrow-less digital marketplace protocol, powered by Chainlink and IPFSSolidity, IPFS, Next.js, Chainlink, Filecoin, alchemy, Estuary, SWR

