I'm super passionate about technology in general. I attended ETHIndia last time and created DMaps. A decentralized map system. We also managed to get selected as one of the top projects. The complexity of the program is negligible for someone having experience in ethereum / solidity but being the newbies that we were, it was a great learning experience and was severely complicated to wrap our heads around the whole decentralized concept. The learning experience was great last time and I'm sure it's gonna be better this year!
DMaps is a completely decentralized maps. Get incentivised for sharing location and developing dmaps. Privacy of users is guaranteed. Along with cheap access of data.SolidityDVerify
Create completely decentralized coding events where the community can participate and the evaluation is done by the community itself.Electron, Raft ConsensusDServe & DCode
DServe & DCode is a friendly computational engine which allows users to build scalable distributed computational applications on top of it.Solidity, React, Redux, MaticSkills